Inter House I.C.T. Quiz

Inter House I.C.T. Quiz

Inter House I.C.T. Quiz

admin 22 Jul 2021

Inter House I.C.T. Quiz

[gallery columns="4" ids="5757,5758,5759,5760"]The internet is today’s backbone for all kinds of online services, and it has given rise to various features such as Social Media, Online Shopping, Digital Payments, e-Education, e-Health and the list goes on. In the current pandemic situation where Work from Home is a reality for most and Digital services are on the rise, so are cyberattacks. In order to bring attention to Cyber Security and as a concentrated effort to stay safe and secure online, an Inter House I.C.T. Quiz was conducted on 17-07-2021 by Amul House in collaboration with I.C.T. Department. The aim of the competition was to put conscious efforts towards ensuring better cyber security hygiene and incorporate stronger security measures.

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