Fancy Dress Competition

Fancy Dress Competition

Fancy Dress Competition

admin 01 Jul 2020

Goal: To Provide an amicable platform for the students to showcase their hidden talents and express themselves with mettle and confidence.

“Days are not lost when memories are created”.[read more]

It is indeed a fact that fancy dress brings out the creativity and ingenuity of the teachers and provides the little ones an opportunity to light the stage on fire with their wonderful attire and get ups.

Moreover the children learn to overcome their shyness and develop a sense of confidence to face an audience. Total 86 students from four houses have participated.

Ajay HouseFairy tales are imaginative stories with rich visual and contextual elements that bring forth visceral emotions in children.

Albert Einstein rightly said "If you want your children to be intelligent, read them fairy tales. If you want them to be more intelligent, read them more fairy tales."

Atul  house: Unity in diversity is used as an expression of harmony and unity between dissimilar individuals or groups .Diversity is a word that refers to differences. It may mean differences in culture, language, traditions or even beliefs. So, the whole idea of Unity in diversity, when combined together teaches us to unite with each other without any differences and uniformity or fragmentation.

Amul House: We’re losing biodiversity globally at an alarming rate, and we need a cornucopia of different plants and animals, for the planet’s health and our own. God has created Man and Nature. Man is created to protect nature and nature is created to protect man. Nature is working properly but man has destroyed nature to fulfill his needs. He destroyed the gift of god to man.

Abhay HouseAs we all know that COVID-19 is a dreadful virus spread all over the world and has a diverse effect on humans. This pandemic has changed our lives as we have to believe that we have to survive with COVID-19.[/read]

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