English Role Play

English Role Play

English Role Play

admin 30 Sep 2021

Role play is a fun and 'playful' activity but also a key component in children's learning. It is a social space that develops speaking and listening skills, as well as giving children the opportunity to reflect on and develop their knowledge of a topic, whilst sparking and enhancing creativity and imagination.

The role-playing objective is to understand an individual or group's competency levels and to provide the same level of challenge to all the members of a particular group to demonstrate their level of skills in a given situation.

Amul House organized an Inter-house English Role Play on 18 September as the weekend activity. Following were the topics of the role play by each house:

Abay House :  The Kingdom of fools   Moral :   One should stay away from fools

Ajay House :  The  Elves  And The Shoemaker   Moral : Be caring and helpful

Amul House : Birbal and the washer man    Moral : If someone deserves the reward give it  to them , Don’t let  your ego and prejudice come in.

Atul House :   Happy Man’s Shirt     Moral : Stop worrying about your problem, work hard.

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