Earth Day 2020

Earth Day 2020

Earth Day 2020

admin 28 Apr 2020

Earth Day 2020

Akal Academy Baru Sahib, the only IB authorized world school in Himachal Pradesh has observed “Earth Day” along with the rest of the world. The IB learners who realize their role as global citizens organized various events to observe the international day. The school organises such events on regular basis that helps children understand the meaning of international mindedness in true spirit.[read more]The motto of this year celebration was “Save Earth, Save Future”. Following activities were organised at various Grade level:Grade V: Some students created poems in the language of their own choice; some prepared posters to make others aware of the importance of mother Earth and ways to save it. Few students even wrote letter to their parents explaining ways to save Earth.Grade IV: Students created Information brochure on ways to save the planet. One group opted for a role play in the class to highlight the ways to save our beautiful planet.Grade III: Students reflected on their routine habits and wrote what they can do in the school, hostel and mess to keep the environment clean and created helpful reminders to save environment encouraging others to change their habits. The reminders were posted in the campus.Grade II: Students organized a "Cleanliness drive” in the class and residential areas.Grade I: Students created posters on “Save Earth, save life”.UKG: The curious learners planted seeds and sang earth songs.LKG: Students had model talk on what plants do for us and why we need to take care of them.Nursery: The 3-year old little ones created rainbow collage using waste materials and demonstrated how recycling can be done.[/read][Best_Wordpress_Gallery id="328" gal_title="Earth Day 2020"]

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