An interactive seminar-By Ms Vandana Lunyal

An interactive seminar-By Ms Vandana Lunyal

An interactive seminar-By Ms Vandana Lunyal

admin 20 Oct 2021
An interactive seminar was organized for the students of grade 11th &12th.Ms.Vandana Lunyal, Director, Regional Institute orEnglish, Chandigarhwas the keynote speaker.The seminar was interesting one to one interaction on the topic "English communication". During the seminar, students had an engaging discussion  on the significance of  non-verbal communication in the English language.Light was thrown on the essential aspects of non verbal  communication which includes eye contact, gestures, wardrobe etc. It was also told that verbal communication only constitutes 7% while the rest 93%. is all about non-verbal communication.It  was an absolute pleasure for the students to meet and interact with Ms. Vandana Lunyal who gave students an outlook on communication skills.[Best_Wordpress_Gallery id="528" gal_title="An interactive seminar-By Ms Vandana Lunyal"]

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